A 33 year old wife. Stay at home mom. Follower of Jesus. Homeschooler. Organic gardener. Chicken caretaker. Reader. Baker. Soap maker. Lover of things handmade. The person responsible for the laundry...
Monday, December 24, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Growing Bigger Every Day

Always has his hands in his mouth.

Carlie - the ever-helpful big sis

~She just loves him~

Me and my boy - Carlie took this one!

I took a lot of pictures before I actually got all three of us!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Penguins and Puppies
Last night, Bruce and I took a penguin and a puppy for a walk in the rain. It was windy and sprinkling when we left our porch to take the kids around the neighborhood. Carlie was (obviously) excited about getting some candy and Jack was looking forward to a ride in the stroller. I think they had a good time, I know we enjoy taking them. We came in from the rain after just a few houses in the neighborhood to enjoy the fine donuts my parents brought (as is tradition).

Carlie and Jack at home and Carlie at the church costume party
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
On the Farm
Carlie loved seeing and petting the farm animals - many of which she had not seen before other than in books.
Jack is a bit young for the farm, but he made friends none the less. The horses really liked him, one went so far as to borrow Jack's blanket.
It was a blustery fall day with a bit of chill in air (don't let the sunshine in the pictures fool you). And we hope to go back again in the summer when they're working the fields and baking bread in the outdoor brick oven. Yum yum.Wednesday, October 03, 2007
a list of thoughts
*Oh! glorious uninterrupted sleep!
Jack has started sleeping through the night
*Chocolate soymilk
we never make it through a jug of regular milk without it going bad, so we've been buying soymilk. yum yum yum
*Knee-high Naturalists
Carlie is taking this class for preschoolers at the local nature preserve. We get to hear stories, sing songs, take walks, and make crafts. Last week was about recycling and this week is about leaves.
*Memory Verses
Carlie has Bible verses to memorize each week for kid's club at church on Wednesdays. She's doing a darn good job and is an encouragement to the rest of us. Apparently, memorizing scripture isn't impossible.
*Baby smiles
Jack smiles all the time. Sometimes in response to voices or faces. Sometimes just because. You cannot help but smile when you see a baby smile.
There is really no excuse not to recycle. It's easy - helps keep our planet a bit cleaner - is a responsible use of our natural resources - and so much more.
*Fleece and sweaters
I'm so happy it's fall and I can start wearing these clothes again. So cozy. Sadly, tomorrow is supposed to be 80 degrees...
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Awake and Alert

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Quiet and Cozy
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Attack of the Ants...
I carried out the saw horses, some white trim and the paint so I could get started. I painted two pieces of trim before being attacked by ants. Seriously. They were swarming all over the porch and my feet. I had to abandon my shoes and paint and came in the house with a few bites (hard to tell since my feet are swollen anyway). I tried to retaliate with soapy water and the garden hose. no luck yet, those little suckers are the spawn of Satan - I'm sure of it! hopefully I'll beat them and paint the remainder of the trim...
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Counting down
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
And the Emmy goes to...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The past few weeks

From May - 29 1/2 weeks
Bruce and Carlie assembling the new swing set
Bruce and Carlie on stage at church

Carlie with her little friend - the toad
Friday, May 04, 2007
Things to enjoy
Despite the hectic nature of the season, I do have a few things that I hope to slow down and enjoy:
1. Lilacs
2. Sandals, flip flops - not wearing any socks
3. Temps near 70 degrees
4. Seeing Carlie 'flying' around the backyard with her dish towel cape being a super hero
5. Our 5th anniversary
6. Our flower gardens (but I hate weeding them)
7. Lemonade
8. Having the windows open
9. Waking up to the sound of birds in the morning instead of an alarm (okay, so I'm a stay at home mom and Carlie is my alarm. But the birds wake up earlier than her...)
Monday, April 23, 2007
Sunshine and sunburn
We have baby shower invitations ready to mail and I'll be going out later this week to register for some much needed items. Since this is our second time around the 'much needed items' are diapers, wipes, blue receiving blankets (instead of all the pink ones we have), and new bottles (the ones we used with Carlie were horrible). That's about it. For awhile I wondered if we should even have a baby shower for Jack. Aren't there rules for this sort of thing? Are you allowed to have more than one? Is it okay since we're having a boy and not another girl? Bruce and I talked it over and felt it wouldn't be fair to Jack if we didn't have a celebration. Why should he be left out (and why should the family be deprived) just because he wasn't born first? Tough. We're having everyone over in June to celebrate the upcoming arrival of our son, have a cookout, and play games. Hopefully the weather cooperates and is beautiful just like this past weekend. I'm sure I'll be larger, more awkward, and end up pink and splotchy. We'll celebrate and enjoy the festivities just the same.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Latest Kitchen Picture
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Baby Jack and Springtime
She said, ' It's very definetly a boy.'
Carlie was right all along. Good thing too. She had her heart set on a brother, I think she would have been disappointed otherwise. Now she's ready to shop for clothes, toys, and paint for the walls...
I've been battling migraines about 5 days out of the week. I've been to doctors and they are trying to find what medication will work. The first medication reduced the severity and frequency of the migraines - but the doctors still aren't happy with 3- 4 days a week of mild headaches. I start a stronger dose of the same medication today with hopes that the migraines will nearly disappear. It's just a matter of finding out what works for me. If there's no further improvement then I'll have an MRI. (nothing to worry about - just to take a look at what's going on)
Spring is upon us, but how can you tell?
1.The family has been fighting off a bad cold too. I had it first and then shared with Carlie, and now Bruce. It's a great way to start out the spring season. Sore throat. Drippy nose. Mild fever. Just spectacular...
2.Already the daffodils have popped up through the ground.
3.I've been hearing frogs and red-winged black birds sing.
4.Oh, and Bruce and I saw a skunk in the road. Not roadkill - the black and white mammal was walking in the middle of the road and was startled by the car in front of us. He sprayed and the stench lingered in the car for a few miles.
Ahhh, the sounds and smells of spring.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Carlie's Birthday!

Carlie opening a gift before guests arrive.

Dora the Explorer everthing...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Month by Month

( at 8 1/2 weeks- already growing!)

Monday, January 15, 2007
It's been awhile...
I'm 11 1/2 weeks pregnant and due August 3rd. Carlie is positive we're having a boy whom she calls Baby Jack. We won't find out anything for sure until the ultrasound in March. We're praying for an easier pregnancy and delivery this time around. No preterm labor like I had with Carlie. Thus far everything is fine. I've had some nausea, trouble sleeping, and of course constantly have the need to pee. (Between being pregnant and potty training Carlie I spend a good portion of my day in the bathroom)
I'll try a little harder to keep up-to-date with baby things and maybe I'll post some pictures of my ever-expanding belly. (I'm in maternity clothes already - out of necessity and comfort)