Our house is quiet and cozy today. It's in the 90's outside and the window air conditioners are cranking away. The sunlight is streaming through the windows of our kitchen giving the house a feeling of warmth and cleanliness. Jack is napping (again) and Carlie is having a snack. The children are content and happy today - no scenes of chaos - screaming - or sticky messes with which to contend. It's a good day, a confidence boosting day. My fears about staying home with two children was greater than the reality. Expectations of chaos and feelings of anxiety where overwhelming, but the long days at home with two children are starting to feel familiar. The ever changing rhythm and language of this life is similar to what I already know. The overwhelming joy inherent in this new role as mother of two far outweighs and overshadows any fear - even on days that aren't as sunny, quiet, and cozy.