Okay, so here is the thing. I volunteer for everything. Really, I do. (it's a problem, I know!) I always want to help out and be involved. Especially when in comes to helping out at Carlie's school. I don't get to work in the classroom because, honestly, busy 3 year old boys don't do well in structured first grade rooms. :) I love my boy dearly, but he makes that brand of volunteering pretty well impossible.
Each fall the kindergartners and first graders have a Thanksgiving feast together. The littlest tykes make apple pie, the teachers make some turkey, and the older students make stuffing and cornbread. I was unable to come in and help the kids crack eggs and mix up cornbread, so I inquired about baking. I like to be in the kitchen and sticking in a few pans of muffins during the evening didn't exactly seem like a hardship.
I ran up to the school at the end of the day and - lo-and-behold - my little first grades
did not mix up cornbread. Apparently they ran out of time. (the classroom is always disorganized and seems to run out of time to do important things on a daily basis. Like send home important notes. On one occasion - we had to sent Carlie in paint clothes for 2 weeks straight because they never seemed to get around to it!) Anywho...
I now find myself with boxes of Jiffy mix and dozens of cornbread muffins to be made.
all the goodness for cornbread muffins - yum!
I truly don't mind helping. I just don't always (or usually!) think before I volunteer. Oops. I guess that's something I need to work on. The third batch is in the oven now. Wish me luck on finishing them tonight and on safely transporting them to school tomorrow!