I love the word 'whimsy'. It conjures up images of little girls in long dresses running through fields of wildflowers, boys in dusty jeans and tousled hair catching frogs and fireflies. Enduring images of everyday magic, mystery, and innocence run like an old film reel through my mind.
whim·sy also whim·sey ( hwĭm'zē, wĭm'-) n., pl. -sies also -seys.
An odd or fanciful idea; a whim.
A quaint or fanciful quality: stories full of whimsy. (from dictionary.com)

a whimsical photo of Carlie
I did not realize that grace could mean so many things! There were 15 definitions on dictionary.com. The grace I intended when titling my blog was the grace given by God out of his love to those of us whom do not deserve it. Which, of course, is everybody.
grace: the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God.
There is a passage from a book I love that descibes this grace much more eloquently than I.
From "The Secret of the Swamp King - The Wilderking Trilogy" by Jonathan Rogers.
"Does a tall man deserve to be tall? ... A bird might think he deserves to swim as well as a fish, but if he sits moping on the riverbank instead of using the wings God gave him, the fox is going to eat him. ...Your brother would rather have his own way than be happy. He's thrown away the grace he was given because it's not the grace he had in mind.' The Truthspeaker paused to reflect on that. ...There's not much hope for a person who won't live in the grace he's given."
I hope my life (like my blog) is defined by these words. Full of laughter, adventure, mystery, faith, and contentment. Pleased with what the Lord has given me, thankful for his gifts, and aware of the magic present in everyday as witnessed through the lives of my children.
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