Monday, May 18, 2009

Independence Days

1. Plant something: broccoli, pumpkins, popcorn, zucchini, cukes, onions, plum tree, cherry tree, 2 pecan trees.
2. Harvest something: Lilacs for the jars on the table.
3. Preserve something: Nope.
4. Reduced Waste: I've been doing better about saving leftovers and turning them into something else the following night. Putting more in the compost and soon will be giving scraps to the chickens.
5. Preparation and storage: Received some summer clothes and pants for Carlie from my cousin. Stored the items that are too large and sorted out her drawers so we know what doesn't fit.
6. Build community food systems – worked on church garden with youth - planted and discussed how we'll be sharing the food.
7. Eat the food: We've bought some local asparagus and rhubarb. Made rhubarb sauce (my very first attempt) to go with some angel food cake. Very yummy.

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