Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Today may be the first official day of summer, but Carlie has been out of school for a few weeks now.  Some of your favorite memories so far:

*Trip to the local historical reenactment town - Crossroads Village - getting to ride on the old train.  (kids were thrilled to finally ride, as it comes thru our town a few times a day and we hear it all summer long)

*Sitting in the shade under our maple trees making garden stepping stones on a hot day.  We'll be doing this again soon.

*Adoring my daughter missing her 2 front teeth up top!  Precious.

*Scavenger hunt!  The kids were up early last week and wanted to play... we came up with a hunt for them to do around the yard.  Hunted for feathers, flowers, bugs, and sticks taller than they are!  I'm planning another scavenger hunt morning already.  :)

*Realizing the bushy tree-thing in the middle of the yard is a mulberry bush!  We've been here 3 years and it was just a scrawny little stick when we moved in.  I think this is the first year it had much fruit.  Yum!

*Watching our dog, Truman, herd the chickens.  He's always been good with the girls, but we didn't know he had this particularly useful skill.  If he thinks they're wandering too far, he'll round them up and chase them to the coop.  So fun to watch!

*Having Bruce home for a few extra days.  He had a long weekend at home for Father's Day and it couldn't have been nicer.  He knocked some items off his list of house and yard work, played lots of games with the kiddos, we had some quiet time, cooked out, had s'mores, and went to a Ren Faire.  It was a full 4 days!

*Canning several batches of strawberry jam.  I love the rhythm of canning... and (bonus!) I have some Christmas gifts finished.  :)

*Watching my garden grow.

...Least favorite things of the summer...lots of migraines...Jack's horrendous allergies, doctor's orders that I am unable to go outside if it is very hot (90ish) because the heat and dehydration cause me to have contractions and lots of swelling (hoping for a cool summer!).

And just think, June isn't even over!  *sigh*  LOVE THIS.

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